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This research is motivated by the low attitude of students in grade VII A SMP SMART Ekselensia collaborating in presentations, discussions and participation in material diversity at the organizational level of living things. Preliminary data show that twelve people or sixty percent have difficulty in collaborating on group activities with a score of 60.0. One of the efforts to overcome these problems is by using learning media which is expected to encourage and bridge the emergence of a collaborative attitude. The purpose of this study is to increase the attitude of collaboration using monopcell media. The research was conducted through classroom action consisting of two cycles, each consisting of two meetings. Methods of data collection using observations and questionnaires. The research instrument used was an observation sheet for observing student learning activities, observing teacher teaching activities and written data in the form of a collaborative attitude rubric. The data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively. The results showed an increase in collaboration attitudes by 14.13 points from cycle 1 of 74.0 to 88.13 in cycle 2, thus it can be concluded that learning with monopcell media can improve students' collaborative attitudes. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended for other science teachers to use monopcell media in learning the topic of the organization of living things that is adapted to the conditions and character of the class.


collaborative attitude organization og living things monopcell media

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How to Cite
Nugroho, E. (2021). MENINGKATKAN SIKAP KOLABORASI PESERTA DIDIK KELAS VII MELALUI MEDIA MONOPCELL. Jurnal Pendidikan Dompet Dhuafa, 11(02), 1-13. Retrieved from