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In this two-cycled Classroom Action Research, the researcher implemented Reciprocal Teaching Method (RTM). It was conducted to help the tenth grade Science 3 students of SMAN 1 Driyorejo-Gresik, 2013/2014 academic year that had difficulties in comprehending the text of reading. The research questions are: 1) How is the implementation of Reciprocal Teaching Method in the tenth grade science 3 of SMAN 1 Driyorejo? 2) Can the tenth grade Science 3 of SMAN 1 Driyorejo students’ reading comprehension achievement be improved by implementing Reciprocal Teaching Method? The results are: 1) The RTM could be implemented well at the class. The students were motivated to study because they could learn one another by sharing ideas among the teammates. Also the students could improve their understanding of the text because they gave help and received help from their group mates and the researcher, 2) There is an improvement student achievement in comprehending the reading text. In the preliminary study, the classical average score is 68.55While in the cycle I (RTM was implemented) is 73.95 and in the Cycle II is 83.03. Because it has passed the designed success criterion (80%), the method effectively improved student reading comprehension ability.
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