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At the academic year 2014/2015 at the second semester, when the researcher taught English in Class VII C the researcher got problem related to the basic competence of comprehending reading descriptive text. Among the classes I taught, the class VII C was the worse. One alternative solution is by improving the extensive reading skill through the internet. According to Day and Bamford, (1998;84) Extensive reading is reading a large amount in the second language. this study is intended to show the way to improve the extensive reading skill through the internet for ClassVII C students of SMP Negeri 1 Gresik and to know how far the students respond in the teaching and learning the extensive reading skill through the internet. The design of the study was collaborative Classroom Action Research. The study was conducted through 2 cyclic activities to collect the data consisting of preliminary study, planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. There were two criteria to determine that the study was considered successful, namely: the students‟ mean score increases from 56.60 (preliminary test) into 73.31 (test in cycle 2) and the students were actively involved in the teaching learning activities.
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